Search By The Stars
Week Ahead Jan17-24,2025
Check dates carefully. They are based on 2024-25 Sun sign changes.
Pisces- March 14-April 13: LLC 18,19,20: Eat right and get enough rest. Help others as you have the energy to do it. Forgive quickly if someone sticks their foot in their mouth. Immediate gratification can be good, but long-term satisfaction is better.
Aries - April 13- May 14: Pressure will be easing by the end of the week. LLC 21,22,23: Eat right and get enough rest. Help is available when things shake, rattle, and roll in your world. Be brave enough to ask. Supply the information needed.
Taurus - May 14-June 12:Your world is still expanding. Make sure it’s muscle mass and your bank account, and not less desirable areas. Do the things that benefit you, your relationships, and your future. LLC 23,24,25: Eat right and get enough sleep.
Gemini - June 12-July 16:Disagree without being disagreeable. If you can’t reach a compromise, wait a week or two before you get back to the table. You will have a chance to re-do something or re-direct a path you began late summer or early autumn.
Cancer- July 16 -Aug 16: Pressure drops in a major area by the end of the week. Take some time to think about what you really want to spend your energy on. When Mars goes back to Cancer April 3, you’ll be energized with a fresh perspective.
Leo- Aug 16- Sep 16: HC 17,18: Take time to be with others. Mix business with pleasure throughout the week if you can. If not, seek the company of others to strengthen bonds of friendship. Feel better emotionally to feel better physically.
Virgo - Sep 16-Oct 16: HC 18,19,20: Do a little more. Accomplish what you can before mid-week. Then prepare to meet or exceed expectations. Staying on top of things might not be enough. Putting in the extra effort sets you apart.
Libra - Oct 17- Nov 15: Get together with people who are peacemakers, practical, experienced, or have known you a long time. HC 21,22,23: Be ready to shift who the process does. Pressure drops in one area. Momentum picks up in another.
Scorpio- Nov 15 - Dec 15: Politics makes strange bedfellows. Listen, then think before you respond. A period of adjustment begins. Be observant and do what works! If it isn’t improving something, then stop it. HC 23,24,25: Put in the extra effort.
Sagittarius- Dec 16- Jan 14: One more week to pay extra attention to communications, written, verbal, and non-verbal. Say your piece with clarity and brevity. By mid-week, you’ll be back in the limelight. Show them what you know.
Capricorn - Jan 14-Feb 13: Put in the extra effort to put your best foot forward a little longer. The pressure starts to drop mid-week, and you can take a breath. Make adjustments according to what you observed or experienced since Autumn.
Aquarius- Feb 13- March 14: LLC 16,17,18: Eat right and get enough rest. Practical, experienced people who can bring people together are the ones you want to be around. Relationships that start now could be long-lasting or achieve a goal together.
What’s this?
These horoscopes are written for the sidereal sun signs using the stars and not the seasons for calculation.
It’s helpful to read your sidereal rising sign if you know it.
HC and LLC are abbreviations for High Cycle and Lay Low Cycle. These days don’t guarantee things will go well or worse, but are more of an indication of your personal physical and emotional operational levels. Back in the day, we used to call these biorhythms.
Mars Retrograde
Most men are getting in touch with the Yin side of things until Feb 24. Be gentle with them, as this will scare the heck out of less confident and self-assured guys. Karma will catch up quickly with bullies who start fights. It’s the song of “Give & Take” the universe is playing now.
Mars in Gemini Jan 21- April 3
If you regularly read this, you may notice Mars transiting Gemini is lasting a little longer than the usually 6-7 weeks. It’s becasue Mars is slowing and retrograde, The energy shift in some area of your life will be much stronger and prolonged. Where Gemini is in your chart there will be new beginnings and hopefully a separation from what you don’t need anymore. Or it may be ripped away in a most unpleasant way. If your Sun, Moon or Ascendant are in Gemini stay focused around machines and sharp objects! Sun or Mars in Gemini folks are revamping a new energy cycle started last year late summer to early autumn. Choose the direction or it’s chosen for you.