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Week Ahead March 21-28, 2025

Check dates carefully. They are based on 2024-25 Sun sign changes.

Pisces- March 14-April 13: HC 28,29,30 prioritize! Mistakes pop up like dandelions. Leave the ones that aren’t bothering anyone. Get rid of or fix the real problems. Prioritize. And take time to pause, smell the roses and reflect.

Aries - April 13- May 14: Complete what you can be fore dealings. HC 30,31,1 set the stage for success. Research. Prepare answers or plans for different possibilities. Pressure increases. Let it make an experience and result valuable like a diamond.

Taurus - May 14-June 12: You ain’t seen nothing yet. Find a way to make a crazy situation a think outside of the box experience. HC 1,2,3 keep your eyes on the prize. Change is the only constant in the universe. Use resources to your best advantage.

Gemini - June 12-July 16: The frazzled wire feelings stop getting juice. It may take a week or two for you to accept what cannot be changed. But you can choose to change quite a few things yourself. HC 3,4,5 if you haven’t already, set your plans in motion.

Cancer- July 16 -Aug 16: Time to start a new plan of action. Or at least figure out your goals. Authority figures become more helpful, or at least available to listen. Double check all information, especially concerning travel, commerce or electric devices.

Leo- Aug 16- Sep 16:Take it easy this weekend. Then, start clearing out the clutter, closets and behind things. You’ll be surprised what you’ll find. Make adjustments according to what you now know or has changed for the foreseeable future.

Virgo - Sep 16-Oct 16: LLC 28,29,30 eat right and get enough rest. Health habits, relationships or what you considered your reason to do something begins to be questioned. A loss of some kind has to be reckoned.

Libra - Oct 17- Nov 15: You’ve done this dance before. You know the steps. LLC 30,31,1 eat right and get enough rest. When you are ready to enter the fray, position yourself the best you can. Anything worth having is worth fighting (or at least working) for.

Scorpio- Nov 15 - Dec 15: Progress has its own momentum. Be ready anyway you can to take advantage of the next opportunity. LLC 1,2,3 eat right and get enough rest. Authority figures or green lights start giving you the go-ahead. 

Sagittarius- Dec 16- Jan 14: Show what you know by Tuesday morning EDT to make the biggest impact. Fix mistakes without blame or shame. But don’t let anyone throw you under the bus! LLC 3,4,5 eat right and get enough rest.

Capricorn - Jan 14-Feb 13: Sometimes we look our best when mistakes happen. Address the problem. Learn from the experience. Protect from it happening again. People remember how you make them feel more than what you’ve said.

Aquarius- Feb 13- March 14:  Help shoulder some of the burden. If you truly can’t, be the shoulder to cry on. You are entering a period of adjustment. Experience and new knowledge comes in handy this summer. Limitations fade away.

What’s this?

These horoscopes are written for the sidereal sun signs using the stars and not the seasons for calculation.

It’s helpful to read your sidereal rising sign if you know it.

HC and LLC are abbreviations for High Cycle and Lay Low Cycle. These days don’t guarantee things will go well or worse, but are more of an indication of your personal physical and emotional operational levels. Back in the day, we used to call these biorhythms.

March 29 Partial Solar eclipse in Pisces

In the 15th degree of Pisces, this will affect Sun sign Pisces, Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius more. If you have personal planets or chart points in those signs, it can make quite an impact too.

Eclipses are always about loss. And no matter how you feel about it at the time, a loss can be the start of a new beginning or you can get stuck in the past. It isn’t the event that shapes us, it’s how we respond to it.

Eat grounding foods. Keep your head clear. Now is not the time to evade life. Meet it honestly. And deal with it when you are able.

Venus Retrograde March 2-April 13

In Pisces, where Venus is exalted and usually just lovely. To put it mildly she isn’t happy now. And when momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. Women are supposed to be separating from ideas, habits, patterns of behavior and even people who have done them wrong. As unpleasant as that can be, it’s worse if she doesn’t say no to what she should have never have agreed to. Where Venus is transiting your chart, no matter your chromosomes, relationships of all kinds are called in to question. Give up what you shouldn’t be doing anyway.

Mercury Retrograde March 15-April 7

It’s staying Pisces much longer than usual. So Pisces, Virgo, Leo and Aquarius will have more to talk about, process and file. Also, more than thier share of troubles with communications, electronics, machinery, and purchases. Unless you were born with Mercury Retrograde. Then the world seems to make a little more sense than usual, or at least you don’t get shortchanged.

Mars in Cancer April 3-June 6

If you regularly read this, you may notice Mars transiting Cancer is lasting a little longer than the usually 6-7 weeks. Mars was Retrograde, now Direct but still slow coming out of Gemini. The energy shift in some area of your life is much stronger and prolonged than usual. Where Cancer is in your chart there will be new beginnings and hopefully a separation from what you don’t need anymore. Or it may be ripped away in a most unpleasant way. If your Sun, Moon or Ascendant are in Cancer stay focused around machines and sharp objects!