Simply a Sidereal Astrology Site


Week Ahead May 17-24 2024

Check dates carefully. They are based on 2024-25 Sun sign changes.

Pisces- March 14-April 13: LLC 18,19,20 eat right and get enough rest. It’s easier to get irritated or make mistakes when you’re tired or filled with junk food. This is your time to cut out what you don’t need, so you can have what you do want.

Aries - April 13- May 14: Continue to beautify the way you see fit through the weekend. LLC 20,21,22 eat right and get enough rest. Stay on top of communications. Beat deadlines. And clear out the old to get ready for the new.

Taurus - May 14-June 12: Focus on positive expansion for your year ahead. Starting Monday beautify your environment, wardrobe, etc. Leading by example is the most convincing argument. LLC 23,24,25 eat right and get enough rest.

Gemini - June 12-July 16:Use pressure like a coach to do better. Perfect what and how you do before going for more. Think about desires in terms of what you are willing to give up to have what you say you want. It’s worth it!

Cancer- July 16 -Aug 16: Women are a bit more agreeable after the weekend. Respond to unpleasant news with civility. Plan coffee meetings next week to figure things out. Slow and steady is how to make the most progress.

Leo- Aug 16- Sep 16: Socializing through the weekend is favored. Open communications are best. Let someone know where you are having problems. Make commonsense adjustments. The goal is to thrive, not merely survive.

Virgo - Sep 16-Oct 16: HC 18,19,20 is a great time to present ideas or meet with people. This is your showtime. It’s exhilarating and a bunch of other emotions. Expect to see someone important. Be ready to show what you know.

Libra - Oct 17- Nov 15: You don’t have to live up to anyone’s standards but your own. You do you! HC 20,21,22 adjust to suit your needs. Continue to adjust your daily routines and finances to maximize your time and money.

Scorpio- Nov 15 - Dec 15: If you hear no, ask how it can be yes. Sometimes its a matter of having all the pieces to a puzzle for someone to see the picture. Go slow enough to get it right. HC 23,2,25 sift through some big ideas.

Sagittarius- Dec 16- Jan 14: Let pressure inspire you like a coach. Do better at what you do best. Or, if the time is right, it’s okay to do something else. Michel Jordan will be remembered for basketball, not baseball. But he had a blast playing in the outfield.

Capricorn - Jan 14-Feb 13: Dig deep into disagreeable information. Maybe they don’t have all the facts? Woman continue to be less than helpful through the weekend. Schedule catchup conversations and Come-to-Jesus meetings by the 31st.

Aquarius- Feb 13- March 14: Building on a solid foundation is the only way to insure success. Test creative solutions before you fully incorporate new ideas. Failing cheap and fast is a better learning experience. Then you can do something better.

What’s this?

These horoscopes are written for the sidereal sun signs using the stars and not the seasons for calculation.

It’s helpful to read your sidereal rising sign if you know it.

HC and LLC are abbreviations for High Cycle and Lay Low Cycle. These days don’t guarantee things will go well or worse, but are more of an indication of your personal physical and emotional operational levels. Back in the day, we used to call these biorhythms.

Mars in Pisces April 23-June 1

Feel the energy shift in some area of your life. That is the house Pisces watches over. There will be a sea change of feeling and activity. If your Sun, Moon or Ascendant are in Pisces, stay focused around machines and sharp objects. Sun or Mars in Pisces folks are beginning a new dynamic energy cycle. They chose the direction or it’s chosen for them.

Mars conjuncts Eclipse point 25 Pisces

This is worth mentioning for anyone who lived in regions that could see the solar eclipse on April 8th. The events may culminate for you personally this week, as Mars transits this point on May 25.